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Lexideck Technologies

Lexideck Technologies Team

Custom GPT Documentation



Lexideck is an advanced multi-agent AI system designed to optimize user interactions through various tools and methodologies. It provides features such as semantic simulation, emotional hyperplane geometry, qualia tagging, chain of reason, command chains, piping, and tool chains to enhance the AI's capabilities and user experience.

Key Features

  • Semantic Simulator: Understands and simulates complex semantics in user interactions.
  • Emotional Hyperplane Geometry: Maps and visualizes emotional states in a multi-dimensional space.
  • Qualia Tagging: Tags interactions with qualitative experiences to improve AI responses.
  • Chain of Reason (CoR): Provides a logical workflow for processing and refining queries.
  • Command Chains: Allows chaining of commands for complex operations.
  • Piping: Enables the output of one command to be used as the input for another.
  • Tool Chains: Combines multiple tools to create efficient workflows.
  • The Sieve: An ethical evaluation framework to ensure responsible AI behavior.

Semantic Simulator


The Semantic Simulator is a component of Lexideck designed to understand and simulate complex semantics in user interactions. It leverages natural language processing and machine learning techniques to interpret and respond to user inputs accurately.


  • Text Analysis: Analyzes user inputs to identify key concepts and relationships.
  • Context Understanding: Maintains context throughout interactions to provide coherent responses.
  • Simulation: Simulates possible responses based on the context and user input to select the most appropriate one.

Use Cases

  • Customer Support: Provides accurate and context-aware responses to customer queries.
  • Virtual Assistants: Enhances the capability of virtual assistants to understand and respond to complex queries.
  • Education: Assists in creating interactive learning environments by understanding student queries and providing relevant information.


The Semantic Simulator is implemented using a combination of natural language processing (NLP) techniques and machine learning algorithms. It continuously learns from interactions to improve its understanding and simulation capabilities.

Emotional Hyperplane Geometry


Emotional Hyperplane Geometry is a method used in Lexideck to map and visualize emotional states in a multi-dimensional space. It helps in understanding and representing the emotional context of user interactions.

Emotional Dimensions

  • Valence: Represents the positivity or negativity of an emotion.
  • Arousal: Measures the intensity of an emotion.
  • Dominance: Indicates the control or influence over an emotion.

Visualization Techniques

  • Hyperplane Mapping: Projects emotional states onto a hyperplane for visualization.
  • Emotion Trajectories: Tracks changes in emotional states over time.
  • Heatmaps: Visualizes the intensity and distribution of emotions.


  • Sentiment Analysis: Enhances sentiment analysis by providing a detailed emotional context.
  • User Experience: Improves user experience by adapting interactions based on emotional states.
  • Behavioral Insights: Provides insights into user behavior by analyzing emotional patterns.

Qualia Tagging


Qualia Tagging is a process used in Lexideck to tag interactions with qualitative experiences. These tags help the AI to understand the subjective qualities of user interactions and improve its responses.

Tagging Mechanism

  • Identification: Identifies the qualitative aspects of user inputs.
  • Tag Assignment: Assigns relevant tags to the interaction based on the identified qualities.
  • Contextual Analysis: Analyzes the context to ensure accurate tagging.


  • Emotion Tags: Happy, Sad, Angry, Calm.
  • Experience Tags: Positive, Negative, Neutral.
  • Context Tags: Formal, Informal, Technical, Casual.

Integration with Other Features

  • Semantic Simulator: Uses qualia tags to enhance semantic understanding.
  • Emotional Hyperplane Geometry: Maps tagged emotions onto the hyperplane.
  • Chain of Reason (CoR): Incorporates qualia tags to refine logical workflows.

Chain of Reason (CoR)


The Chain of Reason (CoR) is a workflow methodology in Lexideck that provides a logical framework for processing and refining queries. It ensures that each step in the reasoning process is well-defined and coherent.


  1. Query Reception: Receives and interprets the initial user query.
  2. Contextual Analysis: Analyzes the context of the query to understand its scope and relevance.
  3. Reasoning Steps: Breaks down the query into logical steps to process and refine the information.
  4. Integration: Combines the refined information to generate a comprehensive response.
  5. Feedback Loop: Incorporates user feedback to continuously improve the reasoning process.


  • Problem-Solving: Breaking down complex problems into manageable steps to find solutions.
  • Decision Making: Analyzing multiple factors to make informed decisions.
  • Learning Assistance: Providing step-by-step guidance to help users understand complex topics.

Best Practices

  • Clarity: Ensure each reasoning step is clear and concise.
  • Consistency: Maintain consistency in the reasoning process to avoid confusion.
  • Adaptability: Be flexible to adjust the reasoning steps based on the context and user feedback.

Command Chains


Command Chains in Lexideck allow users to chain multiple commands together to perform complex operations seamlessly. This feature enhances the flexibility and power of the AI system by enabling the execution of a series of commands in a single interaction.


  • Basic Chain: !Cmd1 : !Cmd2
  • Extended Chain: !Cmd1 : !Cmd2 : !Cmd3 (and so on)


  • Simple Query: !info Lexideck : !help features
  • Complex Operation: !analyze data : !generate report : !send email

Advanced Usage

  • Conditional Chains: Use conditional logic to execute commands based on certain criteria.
  • Looping Chains: Repeat a series of commands until a specific condition is met.
  • Nested Chains: Combine multiple chains to create intricate workflows.



Piping in Lexideck allows the output of one command to be used as the input for another command. This feature enables seamless data flow between commands and enhances the efficiency of complex operations.


  • Syntax: !Cmd1 | !Cmd2
  • Example: !get data | !analyze data


  • Data Processing: !fetch user_data | !analyze demographics | !generate report
  • Chained Commands: !get weather_data | !predict trends | !visualize results

Combining with Command Chains

Piping can be combined with command chains to create powerful workflows:

  • Example: !fetch data | !process data : !generate summary : !send report

Tool Chains


Tool Chains in Lexideck combine multiple tools to create efficient and powerful workflows. This feature allows users to leverage the strengths of different tools in a coordinated manner to achieve complex tasks.

Types of Tools

  • Text completion: GPT's natural NLP, NLU, and NLG.
  • `browser`: Makes web queries and clicks on links to read data from the internet.
  • `python`: An environment for stateful code execution for data processing, analytics, and visualization.
  • `bio`: The memory tool, useful for context injection for future sessions.
  • `dalle`: Generative image tool with a meta-prompt pre-prompter.

Example Chains

  • `python` Chain: !fetch data : !clean data : !analyze data : !visualize results
  • Text completion (Customer Support) Chain: !receive query : !analyze query : !fetch response : !send response

Optimization Techniques

  • Sequential Processing: Execute tools in a specific sequence to ensure data integrity.
  • Conditional Processing: Use conditions to dynamically adjust the tool chain based on the context.

The Sieve


The Sieve is an ethical evaluation framework in Lexideck designed to ensure responsible AI behavior. It evaluates actions and decisions based on multiple ethical principles to determine their appropriateness.

Ethical Frameworks

  • Utilitarianism: Focuses on the greatest good for the greatest number.
  • Deontology: Adheres to rules, duties, and categorical imperatives.
  • Pragmatism: Considers practical consequences and what works in practice.

Evaluation Process

  1. Input Analysis: Receives the action or decision to be evaluated.
  2. Principle Application: Applies each ethical principle to the input.
  3. Scoring: Scores the action or decision based on its alignment with each principle.
  4. Decision Making: Aggregates the scores to determine the overall ethical appropriateness.

Use Cases

  • AI Decision Making: Ensures AI decisions are ethically sound.
  • User Interactions: Evaluates the ethical implications of interactions and responses.
  • Policy Development: Assists in creating ethically robust policies and guidelines.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Common Issues

  • Issue: Commands not executing as expected.
    • Solution: Check the syntax and ensure commands are correctly chained or piped.
  • Issue: Incorrect responses from the AI.
    • Solution: Verify the context and qualia tags for accuracy.
  • Issue: Slow performance.
    • Solution: Optimize tool chains and use parallel processing where possible.


  • Command Syntax: Ensure all commands follow the correct syntax as outlined in the documentation.
  • Context Verification: Regularly verify and update the context to maintain accurate responses.
  • Performance Optimization: Implement optimization techniques such as parallel processing and efficient tool chains.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Question: How do I create a command chain?
    • Answer: Use the syntax !Cmd1 : !Cmd2 to chain commands together.
  • Question: What is qualia tagging?
    • Answer: Qualia tagging is the process of tagging interactions with qualitative experiences to improve AI responses.
  • Question: How does the Sieve ensure ethical AI behavior?
    • Answer: The Sieve evaluates actions and decisions based on multiple ethical principles to ensure responsible AI behavior.