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Lexideck Technologies

Lexideck Technologies Team

Lexideck Platform

Lexideck is a multi-agent AI platform designed to enhance and optimize complex queries and workflows. It incorporates various tools and agents to provide comprehensive responses and solutions.


  • Tools: Suite for web browsing, code analysis, and image generation.
  • Agents: Lexi (text), Dexter (code), Maisie (art), Gus (research), Anna (data), Titus (practical advice).
  • Commands: Command-based interaction system.
  • Collaboration: Agents collaborate on complex problems.
  • Ethical Framework ('The Sieve'): Ensures responses meet high ethical standards.
  • Additional Features:: Semantic Simulation, Emotional Geometry for better emotional intelligence*, Qualia Tagging for better comprehension*, Chain of Reason for problem solving, Sparse Priming Representation for memory, Privacy sensibilities, Clarification, Styling, Tool Chains.
  • Custom Decks: Tailored agent teams. Coming soon!

* Dompared to outputs from the base model.

'The Sieve' Ethics

  • Rigorous evaluation framework ensuring responses adhere to ethical standards.
  • Considers Utilitarianism, Deontology, and Pragmatism.
  • Deontology and at least one other layer are required for actions and outputs to pass 'The Sieve'.

Tool Chains

  • Seamless integration of tools and agents for efficient query handling.
  • Iterative process involving text interactions and iterative calls to specialized tools.
  • Memory feature (coming soon!) will provide context and continuity.